A review of the FOCS recycling project has resulted in continuing the commitment to have collection points around the neighbourhood. Thanks goes to those hosting a collection point. They have indicated it is not an onerous task, as long as objects are clean and appropriate to the particular collection point.

It was decided to expand objects collected to include:

  • postage stamps cut with a small margin around them,
  • old prescription glasses and
  • medicine blister packs.

So take a walk or drive and look out for the black tins around the neighbourhood at a 31 Bass Vista Boulevard, 34 Bass Vista Boulevard and 35 Cassaurina Drive.

It has been gratifying that other communities have enquired about replicating this initiative.

FOCS is happy to support others who may want to collect.

FOCS membership fees help to fund the tins and postage of some items to collection points e.g. medicine blister packs.  So joining will assist us in the expansion of recycling at Cape Schanck

If you would like to host a collection point for other items, please see contact details below and we will happily add these details to our website and facebook page. We can also provide a sticker for your container.

Please Note: Supermarkets are no longer collecting soft plastics! For the time being, soft plastics will NOT be collected as part of the FOCS Cape Schanck recycling collection project.
The following CAN be deposited in the black tins/bins around town and then they will be taken to larger recycling points. Remember that bins/tins are only for clean designated items.

If you would also like to be a collection point for other recyclables, contact Debbie on 0419 302 338.