Our major Bunnings Sausage Sizzle fundraising event was a great success last Sunday at Rosebud. A very big thank you to all who donated, supported, organised, sizzled sausages, ate sausages and helped out on the day! A Special thank you goes to Bunnings Rosebud for making it possible, Bakers Delight who were very generous with their yummy wares and Greg’s Family Gourmet Butchers’ for their unbeatable sausages.
A very heartfelt thank you also goes to our Sponsors and Donation Suppliers in St Andrews Beach GC, Eagle Ridge GC, National GC, Arilla Restaurant, Escape Brewery, Nakoojee Wines, PGA, Greg’s Family Gourmet Butchers, Susie and Trish for helping us make the day extra special with our fabulous raffle.
Monies raised are being directed to a Feasibility Study of a safe walking and bike path along the side of Cape Schanck Road between Boneo Rd and the Cape Schack Lighthouse.
The FOCS raffle was drawn at 4pm on the day, Sunday 12th February, 2023 on site after the Sausage Sizzle and here are the results!
- St Andrews Beach Golf Club voucher – Ray C xxxxxxxx587
- Eagle Ridge Golf Club voucher – Matt H xxxxxxxx822
- National Club voucher – Robyn J xxxxxxxxfocs
- Arilla Restaurant Voucher – Graeme H xxxxxxxx620
- Escape Brewery Voucher – Mel xxxxxxxx008
- Nakoojee Wines Voucher – Andrew xxxxxxxxxxx396
- Box of PGA Golf Balls – Shaun P xxxxxxxxxx340
- Golf Accessories – Golf Tees – BH xxxxxxxxxxxfocs
- Golf Shirt Green in colour – Justin xxxxxxx224
- Golf Shirt Blue in colour – Gary M xxxxxxx240
- Golf Shirt Black in colour – Sheryl xxxxxxx136
- Sushi Making Kit – Trish B xxxxxxxxfocs
- FOCS BBQ Apron – Glenn M xxxxxxxxx616
- Gregs Meat Voucher – David G xxxxxxx543
Congratulations to all of the lucky winners who are being contacted with some still to collect their prizes. We will continue to contact the prize winners until all prices are collected.